source/formfill.bas data/formfill.css Version 4.0 This is an on-the-fly generated html form. Formatting relies heavily on formfill.css in the data/ directory * call formfill (itmtyp, itmstr, itmval) * get results from lists and return value. Types supported: checkbox radio buttons (need at least 2) text textarea comment menu submit checkbox, radios; itmval : "1"=true "0"=false text, textarea; itmval = input text. menu, comment; itmstr = output text submit; itmval = text inside the button return: 0=bak key else item# of menu or submit. Only 'submit' will save data to the lists. First char itmstr values; '~' = ignore horizontal ruler seperator. Seperated itmstr '|' strings menus, comments = Will seperate to small font. Other = Will seperate to a command; command 'R' = right justify 'C' = center itmval values; (comment or menu only) '!' = jump to this item on load. 'C' = center (and colored) ======================================================== Example Usage include formfill.bas list.create s, mytyp % type:checkbox|text|textarea|radio|menu|submit|comment list.create S, mystr % title/question list.create S, myval % value (must be text) % add types list.add mytyp,"checkbox",~ "text",~ "submit" % at least one of these or a menu to return % add values list.add myval, "0"~ % 0=false=unchecked, 1=true=checked "Some Text",~ "Save" % submit val displayed in button % add titles list.add mystr, "Checkbox test",~ "Text test",~ "" % (submit titles are usually empty) % the call rc = formfill (mytyp, mystr, myval) if rc = 0 then print "Back key pressed" else list.size mytyp,last for i=1 to last list.get myval, i, val$ print val$;"|"; next print endif ========================================================